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Montgomeryová Lucy Maud (*30.11.1874 - †24.04.1942)


Anne of Green Gables /Anna ze Zeleného domu/ - anglicky

  1. Author: Lucy Maud Montgomery
    Title: Anne of Green Gables
    Editor: Jennifer Bassett
    Place: England
    Year: 1994
  2. Topic: A emotional maturing of the girl of children's home at adopting parents
  3. Plot: But Gilbert wanted her to look at him. He whispered to her, but she did not move. He was surprised. Girls were usually very ready to look at him.
    Suddenly he put his arm out, pulled her red plaits, and said in a loud whisper: "Carrots! Carrots!"
    Anne jumped up and looked angrily at Gilbert.
    "You horrible boy!" she cried. "I hate you!" And then she brought her heavy book down on Gilbert's head.
  4. Time of the story: A break of 19. and 20. the century
  5. Social background: Farmers and a girl of the children's home
  6. Characters:
    Anne Shirley - She was a little orphan girl with red hair. Her face was small, white and thin, with a lot of freckles, and she had large grey-green eyes. She came on the farm Green Gables of the children's home when she was eleven. She helped on the farm.
    Matthew Cuthbert - He was thin and tall with dark hair and long brown beard. He was around sixty. He lived with his sister Marilla on their farm Green Gables on Prince Edward Island in Canada. He and Marilla adopted Anne.
    Marilla Cuthbert - She was thin and tall with dark hair. She was Matthew's sister and she was five years younger.
    Diana Barry - She was Anne's friend. She had dark hair and she was clever.
    Gilbert Blythe - He was a tall boy with curly brown hair. Anne hadn't like him, because he mocked her. He was her friend in the end.
  7. Language:
    phrases - Don't you understand? What's your name? I don't know. What is the matter?
    idioms -------
    special grammar structures: -------
  8. Vocabulary: perhaps, shy, sobbed, blind, examination, firmly, orphan, rude, vicar, silent
  9. Main idea: Also people growing up without own parents are able to live a normal life.

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Zdroj: Verča, 23.10.2007


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Lucy Maud Montgomeryová - Anne of Green Gables /Anna ze Zeleného domu/ - anglicky

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